Kingdom Kids from Holland were the historically first mission team to stay at our mission base in Podskalí (near the city of Olomouc). Our family and Řadas family from the city of Hradec Králové joinedContinue reading
Rubrika: English
Come Lord Jesus Prayer Relay
During this prayer relay we cry out to the Lord for Germany. We pray according scripture from Hebrew 9:20: This is the blood of the covenant that God has made with you. Than we shareContinue reading
Mission trip of KK ČR to Montenegro in August 2020
In the attached pdf you can read the report on our missionary adventure: Montenegro 2020 English
Video about King´s Kids Czech Republic mission base
I would like to inform you that in the second half of August 2021 we – as a family – moved from Brno to another place near the city of Olomouc. We believe that afterContinue reading
Generations of Destiny Video Series
Videa s vyučováním s Dale Kauffmanem, která se zabývají klíčovými na Božím slově založenými principy a strategiemi, které se ukázaly jako efektivní pro službu dětem, mladým lidem a rodinám, aby byli vybaveni pro naplnění BožíContinue reading
Ohlédnutí za rokem 2019/Looking back at 2019
Krátké ohlédnutí za rokem 2019 / A brief look back at 2019: KKCR19
Vyučování o službě dětem a propojení generací ve službě
Video s vyučováním, které je typické pro KK Second part of video it´s in English/Czech translation:
Preparation of KK Czech republic mission trip to Montenegro in summer 2020
From the 15th to 21st of August 2019 we as a family went to Montenegro to the Adriatic Sea to start planning King´s Kids Czech Republic mission trip for the summer 2020. The journey itselfContinue reading
Frank and Katherine Fabianos – Human Development
01. In Utero 02. Birth to 6 months 03. 6 to 18 months 04. 6 to 18 months 05. 18 months to 2 years 06. 18 months to 2 years 07. 3 to 6 yearsContinue reading
King´s Kids El Paso and Poland mission outreach in the city of Brno – July 2018
On the 13th to 18thof July 2018 we had the priviledge to host a thirteen-membered team of King´s Kids Poland and El Paso (Texas) in our city of Brno. The team was composed of mainlyContinue reading